Theoretical Conceptions of Historical Sociology ****************************************************************************************** * Theoretical Conceptions of Historical Sociology ****************************************************************************************** 1.     Positivism and antipositivism in the history of sociological thought 2.     Karl Marx and his influence on historical sociological thought 3.     From Herbert Spencer to Niklas Luhmann - evolutionism and the problem of social dif 4.     Max Weber and the issue of religion, rationalization and modernity 5.     Émile Durkheim and his influence on structuralism and functionalism (on their adopt their criticism). 6.     Maurice Halbwachs - the theory of collective memory; J. Assmann 7.     Norbert Elias and the civilizing process 8.     The influence of structuralist ideas on historical sociology (Fernand Braudel, Mich 9.     C. Lévi Strauss, structuralism and cultural relativism; C. Geertz 10.  Interpretation of the concept of civilization and culture; J. P. Arnason 11.  Critique of totalitarianism; Arendt, Popper, Aron 12.  Talcott Parsons, structural functionalism and evolutionist theories of social change 13.  The theory of Conflict: Coser, R. Dahrendorf, S. Huntington, M. Mann 14.  The theory of Social Change - different types of changes; P. Sztompka 15.  The new historical comparative sociology: B. Moore, C. Tilly, T. Skocpol, M. Mann 16.  Immanuel Wallerstein - dependency theory, world systems theory 17.  A. Giddens - Attempts to reconstruct social theory and ways of overcoming traditional 18.  Contemporary modernization theory (post-industrial, postmodernism, second modernity, 19.  The theory of axial time and multiple modernities; Shmuel Eisenstadt 20.  Historical sociology of nationalism; E. Gellner, M. Hroch