Students about HISO

Adam Coman

The Historical Sociology master’s program is a stimulating, enriching, and rewarding program. When I got to Prague six years ago I was looking for a master’s program in history in English. I found several programs, one of which was the Historical Sociology program at Charles University. I didn’t know what historical sociology was, so I wrote to the chief of the program, Professor Šubrt, and we met for a consultation. Professor Šubrt told me about the general background of historical sociology, explained the program’s structure and purpose, and provided me with reading materials for further information. I was intrigued by the field’s hybrid character, which seeks to enrich both sociological and historical thinking by adopting a broader, interdisciplinary perspective. The program’s structure, which includes both historical and theoretical lessons, as well as sociological training, also appealed to me, because when I began my studies I still did not know whether I wanted to continue on an academic career, or work for a sociological research institute. Coming from a historical background, the program provided me with sociological tools and perspectives which I previously lacked, such as quantitative and qualitative methodologies and data analysis software, as well as practical research experience. The historical and theoretical lessons, on the other hand, covered a broad array of subjects, thinkers, and time periods, including the emergence of nationalism, political science, postcolonial studies, economic theory, and theories of social change. Given this variety, I was able to choose to focus on whichever topics I found most appealing, without losing touch with other fields and approaches which could enrich my own research and point of view. The combination of theoretical context and practical experience enhanced my research perspective, which was initially historical, and enabled me to study and raise broader questions. In addition to the varied courses and teaching staff, who hail from different fields and support diverse perspectives, the program also offered seminars and lectures given by academics and professionals from around the world, who initiated us further into the possibilities of historical sociology.

Following the successful completion of my master’s studies, I decided to continue for a doctorate at the same program, where my research would benefit from a professional and interdisciplinary environment.

Last change: October 6, 2020 15:18 
Your feedback

Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Study Programme Historical Sociology

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

(Room 2.06)

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