• News


8 December 2020

Belarusian territories in the mid 9th - mid 13th centuries: Christianity and Paganism

The Department of Historical Studies FHS UK is pleased to invite you to the guest lecture “Belarusian territories in the mid 9th - mid 13th centuries: Christianity and Paganism” which will be delivered by Dr. Alena Dubrouka from the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Gomel (Belarus).

The lecture is part of the lecture series Historical Sociology Confrontations of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University.

The lecture will take place via ZOOM: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/6062305477

Meeting ID: 606 230 5477

17.00-19.00, Tuesday, December 8.


Medieval period from 9th till the 13th century is an important part of the Belarusian history. During that period the Slavs spread throughout the ethnic territory of today’s Belarus and managed to assimilate the local (mainly Baltic) population. Thus, Slavic tribes created a platform for the future formation of the Belarussian nation. This period is related to the emergence of the first states on ethnically Belarusian lands, e.g., the Principality of Polotsk, Turov, Novogrudok, Grodno, and Minsk. Simultaneously during the same period many pagan beliefs were gradually replaced by a Christian religion promoted by the first states (i.e. medieval principalities). The lecture will focus on the specific features of paganism and pagan beliefs rooted on Belarussian territories, introduction of Christianity and Christian influence on local culture.

Alena Dubrouka is an Associate Professor at the Department of General History at the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University in Gomel, Belarus. She is the author of many publications and history textbooks for students. Dr Dubrouka was a visiting scholar at the Institute of History of Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland), or at the Museum of the History of Poland in Warsaw. Her research interests focus on cultural history and international relations.

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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Study Programme Historical Sociology

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

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