doc. PhDr. Bohuslav Šalanda, CSc.

doc. PhDr. Bohuslav Šalanda, CSc.

Assistant Professor

Contacts and office hours:

see SIS


see SIS


2009 onwards      Editor in chief of journal Historical Sociology

2009 onwards     Assistant Professor and senior lecturer at the Charles University, Prague (Faculty of Arts, Department of Historical Sociology)

1987 onwards      Assistant Professor and senior lecturer at the Charles University, Prague (Philosophical Faculty, Institute of Ethnology)

1997 – 2005        Founder of social anthropology at University of Pardubice; Head of the Department of Social sciences at University of Pardubice (2000 – 2003)

Areas of research

Thematic – Long-term ethno-sociological fieldwork in village Široký Důl near Polička. Topic of play and sports on local level. Everyday life in historical social sciences. Oral tradition and stereotypes, folklore and general narratology. Issues concerning sociology of imagination: fiction and possible worlds. Interface between oral and written culture: sociology of texts.

Regional – Central Europe, Balkan, Bulgaria, Russia.


1973 Graduated, Faculty of Philosophy – Charles University, Ethnography and Archeology. Thesis: On Relation of Literature and Folklore in the Czech Baroque (Ze vztahů literatury a folklorní slovesnosti v českém baroku)


Masaryk Czech Sociological Society

Czechoslovak Foreign Society

Czech Ethnological Society

Slovak Ethnological Society


7 individual books (and over 90 articles and papers):

Folklórní epika jako projev společenského vědomí (Folklore Epic as Manifestation of Social Consciousness), Praha 1980.

České pověsti ze současného sběru (Czech Legend from Contemporarian Collection), Praha 1989.

Ústní podání a dějiny (Oral Legends and History), Praha 1989. 

Folklor, tradice a stereotypy (Folklore, Tradition and Stereotypes), Praha 1990.

Od oběti ke spasiteli (From the Victim to the Messiah), Praha 1997.

Česká vesnice Široký Důl (Czech village Široký Důl), Kolín 2008.

Traditional and Modern from Perspective of Historical Sociology (ed.), Kolín 2011.

Last change: December 19, 2017 15:26 
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Faculty of Humanities

Study Programme Historical Sociology

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