PhDr. Blanka Jirkovská, Ph.D.

external Assistant Professor

Field of Specialization: Quantitative Data Analysis, Sociology of Medicine, Sociology of Organization

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Ph.D. in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts (2016)

Expertise and Field of Specialization:

Sociologist with professional interests in the field of social science methodology, general sociology, sociology of organizations, medical sociology, health promotion and quality of life of workers and students, psychosocial determinants of health, care for the elderly, non-pharmacological interventions for people with dementia, reminiscence, logotherapy and existential analysis. Linking academic work with consulting activities.


Chapters in Monograph

  • Jirkovská,B. (2017). Motivace edukátorů. [Motivation of Educators] In: Jirkovská, A. a kol. Skupinová edukace diabetiků. Jak na to… . Geum, ISBN 978-80-87969-33-5


  • Lorenzova,J.; Jirkovska,B.; Mynarikova,L. (2020). Znalostní a uživatelská specifika digitální kompetence učitelů věd o člověku ve středním odborném vzdělávání. [Knowledge and User Specifics of Digital Competence of Teachers of Human and Social Sciences in Secondary Vocational Education] Lifelong Learning, 10/2, pp. 175-208. doi: 10.11118/lifele20201002175 Retrieved from:

  • Svoboda, P.; Lorenzová, J.; Jirkovská, B. ; Mynaříková, L.; Vališová, A.; Andres, P. Research of Teachers' Digital Competences in an International Context. In: The Impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on Engineering Education. Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning. ICL2019 - The Impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on Engineering Education, Bangkok, 2019-09-25/2019-09-28. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

  • Jirkovska,B., Lorenzova, J., Mynarikova, L., Svoboda, P., (2019). Perception of Knowledge in the Area of Digital Competences by Secondary School Teachers. Proceedings of the ICERI2019, the 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville (Spain) on the 11th-13th of November, 2019. WOS:000530109202073

  • Mynarikova, L., Svoboda, P., Jirkovska,B., Lorenzova, J. (2019). Barriers of Secondary School Teachers in the Use of ICT for Teaching. Proceedings of the ICERI2019, the 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville (Spain) on the 11th-13th of November, 2019. WOS:000530109202074

  • Jirkovska,B., Janeckova,H. (2019). Workplace Stress and Employees’ Well-being: Evidence from Long Term Care in the Czech Republic. Central European Journal of Public Health, 27 (2), pp. 87-92. Doi: 10.21101/cejph.a5135. Retrieved from:, WOS: 000472898100001

  • Semrád,J.; Jirkovska,B.; Emrova,L. (2018). Vztah nastupující generace ke generaci starší, rodičů a prarodičů. [The Relationship between Young Generation and Parent´s and Grantparent´s Generation] Slavonic Pedagogical Studies Journal, 7/2, pp. 339-350. doi: 10.18355/PG.2018.7.2.10

    Retrieved from:

  • Janečková,H., Dragomirecká,E., Jirkovská,B. (2017). Výzkumy v oblasti neformální péče o seniory v ČR na počátku 21. století. [The Research in the Area of Informal Care for Seniors in the Czech Republic at the Beginning of the 21st Century] Sociální práce, 6/2017, pp. 42-59. Retrieved from:

  • Jirkovská,B. (2017). Review of book by P. Ondrejkovic: Porozumenie a vysvetlenie v spoločenskovednom výskume. [Understanding and Explanation in Social Science Research] Brno: Paido, 2016. Historical Sociology2/2017, pp. 133-135. Retrieved from:

  • Jirkovská,B. (2017). Motivace edukátorů. [Motivation of Educators] In: Jirkovská, A. a kol. Skupinová edukace diabetiků. Jak na to… . Geum, ISBN 978-80-87969-33-5

  • Sawyer, C.H., Jirkovska, B., Bombelli, C.M., Wallace, A., Walling, B. (2017). The Power of Narration (Story) for Learning and for Life: Bridging Past and Future. In: Vrontis, D., Weber, Y., & Tsoukatos, E. Global and national business theories and practice: bridging the past with the future: 10th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business. (10th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, pp. 220-224). Rome: EuroMed Press. Retrieved from:

  • Jirkovska,B. (2017). Learning through Questionning: What are Suitable Questions Good for? In: Andres, P., Hrmo, R. et al. Proceedings of 12th International Scientific Conference Schola 2016, Pedagogy and Didactics in Technical Education (pp. 71-74). Prague: Czech Technical University. ISBN: 978-80-01-06112-1. Retrieved from:

  • Sawyer, C.H., Jirkovska, B., Bombelli, C.M., Walling, B., Odrakiewicz, P. (2016). Kaleidoscope Thinking: Multiple Perspectives on the Development of Cross-Cultural Competence. In: Vrontis, D., Weber, Y., & Tsoukatos, E. Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems: 9th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business. (9th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, pp. 1977-1980). Warsaw: EuroMed Press. Retrieved from:, WOS:000390841500161

  • Jirkovská, B. (2016). Panuje rovnováha mezi úsilím a odměnami u profesionálů v dlouhodobé péči. AUC PHILOSOPHICA ET HISTORICA: STUDIA SOCIOLOGICA, 2/2016 (XXI – Sociologie na hranicích), pp. 115-131. Article was rewarded with Miloslav Petrusek Award for the best student academic sociological article (second place).

  • Jirkovska, B. (2015). Building a Bridge between Teaching and Learning by Asking Questions. In: Vrontis, D., Weber, Y., & Tsoukatos, E. Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Value Chain in a Dynamic Environment: 8th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business. (8th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, pp. 2454). Verona: EuroMed Press. Retrieved from:, WOS:000371316100187

  • Jirkovská, B. (2015). Nerovnováha mezi úsilím zaměstnanců a odměnami: Model Effort Reward Imbalance. [Model Effort Reward Imbalance] AUC PHILOSOPHICA ET HISTORICA: STUDIA SOCIOLOGICA, 2/2014(XX - Zdraví, rizikové chování a životní styl), pp. 87-102. Retrieved from:

Research Activities and Projects:

  • Lorenzová, J.; Jirkovská, B.; Mynaříková, L. (2020). „Zpráva z empirického šetření“. [The Empirical Survey Report] International scientific conference Development of digital competences of teachers in secondary schools as a priority of the contemporary education, Prague (paper)

  • Jirkovská,B., Lorenzova, J., Mynarikova, L., Svoboda, P. (2019). „Perception of Knowledge in the Area of Digital Competences by Secondary School Teachers”. Conference ICERI, Sevilla (paper)

  • Jirkovská,B., Semrád, J., Emrová, L. (2018). „Vztah nastupující generace ke starším generacím”. [The Relationshop of the Current Generation to the Older Generations] Conference of Czech Sociological Society, Hradec Králové (paper)

  • Jirkovská,B. (2018-2021) “Development of digital competences of teachers of social sciences at secondary vocational schools“. Project TAČR TL01000192 (member of the research team)

  • Jirkovská,B., Andresová, J. (2018). „Reminiscence v nemocnici; Biografie jako zdroj v péči o pacienty”. [Reminiscence in Hospital; Biography as a Source in Patient´s Care]. How to revive Memories; Reminiscence in Practice, Prague (workshop)

  • Jirkovská,B., Walling, B., Sawyer, C. (2018). „Exploring Self and Organizations Through Hands-On Metaphor”. Art of Management and Organization (AoMO) conference, Brighton (workshop)

  • Jirkovská,B., Andresová,J. (2017). „The Experience from Reminiscence Meetings in the Military University Hospital in Prague“. 20th Anniversary Conference of RYCT, European Reminiscence Network, London (paper)

  • Jirkovská, B. (2017). "Story as an appropriate foundation for scholarly research through sociological narration". The 10th Annual Conference of the Euromed Academy of Business, Rome (paper)

  • Jirkovská, B. (2016). „Learning through Questioning. What are suitable questions good for?“ International Scientific Conference Schola 2016, Prague (paper)

  • Jirkovská, B. (2016). „Současný vývoj v oblasti dlouhodobé péče“. [Contemporary development in Long-Term Care]. International Scientific Conference Contemporary trends in Development of sociological theory and practice, Bratislava (paper)

  • Jirkovská, B. (2015). "Building a Bridge between Learning and Teaching by Asking Questions".The 8th Annual Conference of the Euromed Academy of Business, Verona (paper)

  • Jirkovská, B. (2014). „Pracovní podmínky a podpora zdraví v pečujících profesích.“ [Working conditions in nursing] Current Trends and Challenges of Modern Management and Human Resource Development. MÚVS ČVUT v Praze (paper)

  • Jirkovská, B., Janečková, H. (2014). “Health Promotion of staff in Long Term Care-probe in the Czech Republic”. International congress of ESHMS, Helsinki (poster)

Scholarships, Fellowships


Training on Creative Techniques in Reminiscence with Special Interest in Reminiscence Theatre and Memory Boxes. Led by Pam Schweitzer, the British expert in Reminiscence. Sponsored by Erasmus + London.


Research experience in the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Health Promotion Research, Vienna. Participation in the project "Health has no age" - health promotion in Viennese homes for the elderly. Active participation in Geriatric Congress Austrian and German Geriatric Society in Vienna.


Study stay at the University of Redlands and the University of La Verne, California, USA (attendance at lectures on sociology and organizational development and management, excursions to selected companies). Lecture about own research on motivational factors of paramedical staff at the hospital.


Study stay at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK (visiting lectures on sociology and organizational development).

Interviews in Media:

  • Jirkovska,B. (2018). Reminiscence pomáhá seniorům vzpomínat. [Reminiscence helps seniors to remember] Interview in Metro Newspaper. Retrieved from:

Last change: November 12, 2020 15:26 
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