Assistant Professor
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ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8906-1242
SCOPUS ID: 57208304255
Long-term research of national processes in Central and Eastern Europe: nation and nationalism, nation-building, national identity formation, national movement, historical consciousness, soviet nationality policy, history of USSR, neo-nationalism and the new wave of national emancipation, contemporary history of Central and Eastern Europe.
Other fields of research: post-soviet (-socialist) transformation, transition and their aspects (social, political, cultural and others), language planning and language policy in post-soviet countries, experience of totalitarianism, socialism and post-socialism, national identity and state ideology, contemporary history of countries of the former soviet and socialistic bloc, socialism and history of everyday life under socialism, communism, totalitarian regimes and propaganda.
2007-2011 Ph.D., Charles University in Prague
Ph.D. Thesis Subjects: „’The Belarusization Episode’ in the Process of Formation of the Belarusian Nation”, Thesis Supervisor: prof. PhDr. Miroslav Hroch, DrSc.
2005-2007 Mgr., summa cum laude
General Anthropology – Integral Study of Man, Charles University in Prague
2001-2005 Bc., summa cum laude
Liberal Arts and the Humanities, Charles University in Prague
2000-2001 Certificate ÚJOP UK
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies (ÚJOP), Charles University in Prague
1995-1999 MA Economics
College of Management Minsk (since 2015 Minsk Innovation University), Belarus
Marková, A., The Path to a Soviet Nation. The Policy of Belarusization, Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 2021, -p. 295, ISBN 978-3-506-79181-8.
Marková, A. – Sahanovič, H. – Šybieka, Z., Dějiny Běloruska [History of Belarus], Praha: Nakladatelstvi lidové noviny, 2021, -s. 280, ISBN 978-80-7422-667-0.
Marková, A., Šliach da savieckaj nacyji. Palityka bielarusizacyji, 1924-1929 [The Road Toward Soviet Nation. Nationality Policy of Belarussization, 1924-1929], series Biblijateka časopisa „Bielaruski histaryčny ahliad“ [series Library of the Belarusian Historical Review], Minsk: BHA, 2016, -s. 324, ISBN 978-985-7140-36-7
Marková, A., Sovětská bělorusizace jako cesta k národu: iluze nebo realita? [Soviet Belarussization as a Way to a Nation: Illusion or Reality?], Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2012, -s. 261, ISBN 978-80-7422-230-6
Marková, A. – Kuznetcova, M. (eds.), Memory of Central and Eastern Europe. Past Traumas, Present Challenges, Future Horizons,Prague: Karolinum Press, 2023, -p. 228, ISBN 978-80-246-4085-3 (e-book).
Ivanova, A. – Tuček, J. (eds.), Cesty k národnímu obrození: běloruský a český model [The Ways to National Revival: Belarusian and Czech Cases], Praha: UK FHS, 2006, s. 415, ISBN 80-239-8444-6
Marková, А., “Bielaruskaja sialianska-rabočaja hramada vačyma poĺskich specslužbaŭ” [Belarusian Political Organization “Hramada” in the Documents of the Polish Secret Service], in: S. Kawalou – R. Radzik – M. Sajewicz (eds.), Polsko-białoruskie związki kulturowe, literackie i językowe, Lublin: Wydawnictwo Universytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2010, pp. 67-79.
Marková, A., "Society and Language: Debates Surrounding the National Language in Belarusian Society at the Beginning of the 1990s”, in: Historická sociologie, Vol. 14, Issue 2, 2022 [WoS, Scopus], pp. 27-48.
Marková, A., „Namienklaturnyja elity i novyja vykliki bielaruskaha hramadstva kanca 1980-ch hh.“ [Old Nomenclature Elites and New Changes and Challenges of Belarusian Society of the late 1980s], in: Kachanoŭski, A. H. (eds.), Bielaruś u epochu heapalityčnych i sacyjaĺnych zruchaŭ novaha i naviejšaha času, Minsk: BDU, 2019, s. 307-310.
Marková, A., “Institutional Historical Memory and History in Post-Soviet Belarus”, in: The Journal of Belarusian Studies, Vol. 9, Issue 1, 2019 [SCOPUS], pp. 51-73.
Marková, A., “Language, Identity, and Nation: Special Case of Belarusian State- and Nation Formation”, in: The Journal of Belarusian Studies, Vol. 8, issue 3, 2018, [SCOPUS] pp. 25-39.
Marková, A., „Bielaruskaja mova, lingua non grata. Ahitacyja za bielaruskuju movu na viescy padčas bielarusizacyji“ [Belarusian Language as a Lingua Non Grata. Promotion of Belarusian Language in the Belarusian Countryside during the Nationality Policy of Belarussization], in: Rossijskie i slavianskije issledovania, Vol. 11, November, 2016, pp. 350-358.
Marková, A., “Pakarać śmierccju nieĺha zlitavacca: bielaruski nacyjanalizm u dasliedvanni Pera Andersa Rudlinga" [Critical Notes on Belarusian Nationalism in the Study of Per Anders Rudling], in: Bielaruski histaryčny ahliad, Vol. 23, part 1-2 (44-45), 2016, pp. 167-190.
Marková, A., „Histaryčnaja śviadomaść jak pradmiet samareflieksii ŭ češskaj histaryjahrafii“ [Historical Consciousness in the Mirror of Czech Historiography: Reflections], in: Bielaruski histaryčny ahliad, Vol 19, part 1-2 (36-37), 2012, pp. 180-211.
Marková, A., „The Belarusians as a Nation? ‚The Belarussization Episode‘ of the 1920s and the Issue of National Identity“, in: Kazakievič, A. (eds.), The First International Congress of Belarusian Studies. Working Papers. Vol. 1(2012), Kaunas: Vytautas Magnus University Press, 2011, pp. 171-175.
Marková, A., "Škoĺnaja asnova vychavannia nacyjanaĺnaj samaśviadomaści ŭ BSSR. Pytannie nacyjanaĺnaj identyčnaści ŭ padručnikach 20-ch h. XX st.” [The Public Schools’ Groundwork of a National Identity in BSSR. The Model of a National Identity on Textbooks Pages in the 1920s.], in: Bielaruski histaryčny ahliad, Vol 17, part. 1-2 (32-33), 2010, pp. 155-193.
Marková, A., „Stav zemědělství a postavení rolnictva na území západního Běloruska během 20. let 20. století“, in: Lidé města, n 3, 2009, pp. 398-417.
Marková, A., „Kulatý stůl: Třicet let od rozpadu Sovětského svazu“ [Round Table: Thirty Years after the Collapse of the Soviet Union], in: Mezinárodní politika, N3, 2021, s. 6-9.
Marková A., „Nowe szanse dla nauki?“, in: Newletter Niemieckiego Instytutu Historycznego, Vol. 3, 2020, s.14-15.
Marková, A., „„Proč českoslovenští soudruzi protestují?“ Pražské jaro a jeho odezvy v běloruské sovětské společnosti“ [„Why are the Czechoslovakian Comrades Protesting?“ The Prague Spring and its Repercussions in Belarusian Soviet Society], in: Dějiny a současnost, 9/2020, s.18-20.
REVIEWS (selected)
Marková, A., Andrew Sloin, “The Jewish Revolution in Belorussia: Economy, Race, and Bolshevik Power”, Bloomington, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2017, in: Ab Imperio, N4, 2018, pp. 362-367.
Marková, A., Per Anders Rudling, “The Rise and Fall of Belarusian Nationalism, 1906-1931”, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2015, in: Ab Imperio, N4, 2016, pp. 269-283.
Marková, A., Ivan Pfaff, “Francie a Čechy v Evropě národních států. Francouzská politika F. L. Riegra 1867-1878” [France and Bohemia in Europe of National States. French Policy of F. L. Riegr, 1867-1878], Praha: Euroslavika, 2013, in: Historická sociologie, n 1, 2014, pp. 139-141.
The best historical monograph of the year 2016 award in Belarusian studies for the monograph “Šliach da savieckaj nacyji. Palityka bielarusizacyji, 1924-1929” [The Road Toward Soviet Nation. Nationality Policy of Belarussization, 1924-1929], 16 September 2017, Warsaw, the Seventh International Congress of Belarusian Studies:
2023 Specific Academic Research Projects Competition (SVV-260 738), project War in the Humanities: Rethinking, Charles University, the main investigator.
2020 The 4EU+ European Universities Alliance (4EU+Alliance), Charles University Minigrants 2020, project 52A Eastern Europe from the Post-Socialist Perspective: Changes and Challenges (in collaboration with University of Warsaw, Heidelberg University and University of Milan), Flagship2, the main grantee and leader of international research team
2018-2020 Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) – GAČR 18-18108S, Neo-Belarusization Processes in Post-soviet Belarus in the National Independence Era (1990-1995), the main grantee
2019 Specific Academic Research Projects Competition (SVV-260 485), project Social Processes, Events and Historical Breakthroughs from the Perspective of Historical Sociology, Charles University, the main grantee and leader of research team
2012 Specific Academic Research (SVV), project Contemporary Research Topics of the Eurasian Space from the Viewpoint of Historical Sociology of Politics, Charles University, co-researcher
2010 Specific Academic Research (SVV-206 705), project Cultural and Social Patterns in Modern Central European History, Charles University, co-researcher
2006 Transformation Cooperation Programme (12/0306/BY/FHS), The Ways to National Revival: Belarusian and Czech Cases, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the main grantee
2000-2007 Government stipendiary of the programme Scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in support of foreign nationals studying at public higher educational institutions in the Czech Republic based on international agreements binding for the Czech Republic or within the Czech Republic Foreign Aid Programme
2022, 2023 Virtual mobility fund of the Charles University, 4EU+ Educational Projects (POVIM fund) (courses available for virtual mobility for the summer semester 2022, 2023).
2022, 2023 Institutional support of scientific and creative activities aimed at the creation of publication outputs applicable in the system of national evaluation of science and research according to the M17+ methodology (UK Cooperatio Programme, Cooperatio Fund, Cooreratio HIST) (travel grants, publications, academic mobility)
2019, 2020 Support of Internationalisation of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (travel grants, public lectures, academic mobility)
2017, 2019 - 2021 PROGRES Q18, Charles University (travel grants)
2017, 2018, 2019 Institucionální Plán (A), Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (IP/(A) FHS UK), (travel grants, public lectures, academic mobility)
2014 The Charles University Research Development Schemes, PRVOUK (P20/2014/40)
2008, 2009 Specific Research of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (SV-81/SV/2008, SV-82/SV/2008, SV-99/SV/2009) (travel grants, research stays)
2022 - present, member of the Editorial Board Studia Białorutenistyczne (Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie Publishing, Poland).
2018 – present, Associate Editor of The Journal of Belarusian Studies (BRILL Publisher), double-blind peer-reviewed periodical on Belarusian studies indexed by SCOPUS, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS and other databases.
Evaluator (external reviewer) of selected results of the National Research, Development and Innovation Policy of the Czech Republic (R&D&I) according to the Methodology for Evaluating Research Organizations and R&D&I Programs (M17+).
Expert Evaluator and Rapporteur of the Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships programme (H2020-MSCA-IF-2017, H2020-MSCA-IF-2018), section (or scientific area) Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC), European Commission for research and innovation framework programme.
Peer Reviewer for Johns Hopkins University Press and Karolinum Press (Charles University).
Peer Reviewer for Ab Imperio, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Studia Territorialia, Historická Sociologie/Historical Sociology Journal (Czech and English edition), Revue církevního práva [Church Law Review], The Journal of Belarusian Studies, Lidé Města [Urban People], Mezinárodní vztahy [International Relations], Z badań nad polskimi księgozbiorami historycznymi [Studies into the History of the Book and Book Collections] and others.
2021 – present, member of the Selection Committee under the Support of National Minorities Education Program of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic.
2021 – present, member of the Expert Advisory Board of the EU Horizont Europe programme, Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society”.
2021 – present, member of the Expert Jury of the Miroslav Ivanov Award (book evaluation)
2020 – present, member of the Expert Jury of the Egon Ervín Kische Lterature Award (book evaluation)
2021 Memory in Central and Eastern Europe. Past traumas, present challenges, future horizons, June 10-12, 2021, Charles University, Prague (the main project coordinator)
2021 The 6th Annual Belarusian Studies in the 21st Century Conference, 19th–20th February 2021, UCL School for Slavonic and East European Studies, London (group member of the organising committee, chair of the History Panel)
2020 Eastern Europe from the Post-Socialist Perspective: Changes and Challenges, Interdisciplinary Summer School, August 24-28, 2020, Charles University, Prague (4EU+Alliance F2 project, the main grantee and project coordinator)
2020 The 5th Annual Belarusian Studies in the 21st Century Conference, 21st – 22nd February 2020, UCL School for Slavonic and East European Studies, London (group member of the organising committee)
2019 Social Processes, Events and Historical Breakthroughs from the Historical-Sociological Perspective, 14th – 15th June 2019, Charles University, Prague (the main grantee and project coordinator)
2017 Czech-Belarusian Cultural, Social and Academic Relations from Francysk Skaryna till Nowadays, 19th October 2017, Belarusian State University, Minsk (group member of the organising committee)
2016 Czech-Belarusian Cultural, Social and Academic Relations during the 19th and 20th Centuries, 29th September 2016, Belarusian State University, Minsk (group member of the organising committee)
2006 The Ways to National Revival: Belarusian and Czech Cases, 4th – 6th July 2006, Charles University, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (the main grantee and project coordinator)
2020 How Memory of Famine and Banderivets Movement is Shaped Today? Examples in Politics, Memorial Strategies, Movies and Literature, workshop at the Summer School Eastern Europe from the Post-Socialist Perspective: Changes and Challenges, project 4EU+Alliance, Charles University Minigrants 2020, 4EU+/20/F2/14, 24th August 2020, Charles University.
2020 Reading&Writing in Humanities, special workshop for PhD and MA students at the Summer School Eastern Europe from the Post-Socialist Perspective: Changes and Challenges, project 4EU+Alliance, Charles University Minigrants 2020, 4EU+/20/F2/14, 28th August 2020, Charles University.
2020 The contested memory: Can there may be a historical truth established by law? Some sensitive issues in Central and Eastern Europe in the context of the European Parliament Resolution “On the importance of European remembrance for the future of Europe”, workshop at the Summer School Eastern Europe from the Post-Socialist Perspective: Changes and Challenges, project 4EU+Alliance, Charles University Minigrants 2020, 4EU+/20/F2/14, 27th August 2020, Charles University.
2019 Time and Space as a Framework for Memory Studies and Macrosocial Analysis, workshop, FHS UK in collaboration with the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds for the Czech Republic, the Operation Programme Research, Development and Education (OP RDE), project International Mobility of Charles University Research Workers (CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_027/0008495), March 26th 2019
2017 - present Guarantor of the seminar series Historical Sociology Confrontations, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University,
“Nation-Building Processes after 1918 in Belarus: Three Waves of National Emancipation”, public debates The Emergence of New States in Eastern Europe after the First World War: Lessons for all of Europe (TENSE), Europe for Citizens programme of the EU of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), April 25th 2019, Czesław Miłosz Center of Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas.
„Belarusian State- and Nation-formation: from Polatsk Principality to Independent Belarus“, The Third Annual Belarusian Studies in the 21st Century Conference, 23th March 2018, University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies (UCL SSEES), London.
“The Ministry of Education Research Institute of the Republic of Belarus and the New Conception of National Education (1990-1995)”, International Conference The Formation of Belarusian Statehood during Geopolitical Transformation of the 20th Century, 29th – 30th November 2018, Belarusian State University, Minsk.
“Identity Dispute. Do Belarusians Need a National Identity?”, round table discussion, July 9, 2021, 17th Warsaw East European Conference “Year of Belarusian Changes”, July 8–9, 2021;
„National Identity and State Symbols of Belarus“, public lecture for the Civic and Social Studies Teachers' Association, November 11, 2020, DOX, Prague.
“Belarus at the Crossroads”, public speech at the International Symposium “Democracy in the 21st Century: Crisis or Opportunity?”, September 12, 2020, Prague.
“Ethnic or Civic? Nation and Identity-formation in Post-Soviet Belarus”, International Summer School “Eastern Europe from the Post-Socialist Perspective: Changes and Challenges”, August 24th, 2020, Charles University,
“The Post-soviet National Revival: Belarusian case“, 4th June 2019, Giessener Zentrum Östliches Europa of the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany.
„Neo-Belarusization and the New Wave of National Emancipation in Post-soviet Belarus, 1990-1995“, 28th February 2019, University of Winchester, UK.
“National Myth, Ideology, and Propaganda: Hussite Movement and Transformation of its Interpretation during the 20th and 21th Centuries of the Czech History”, public talk, 9th January 2019, Gymnázium Příbram, Příbram, Czech Republic.
Series of public lectures “Issues of Belarusian National Identity”, October - November 2017, Belarussian State University, Minsk.
Series of public lectures “Theoretical and Methodological Framework of the Nationality Policy of Belarussization”, September 2016, Belarussian State University, Minsk.
“Methodological debates about the Belarusization policy studies”, The Riga Peace Treaty of 1921 and Eastern and Central European Nations, 26th March, 2021, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus.
“Struggle for the Belarusian Language during the 1990s”, 6th Annual "Belarusian Studies in the 21st Century" Conference, 18th – 19th February 2021, UCL SSEES, London.
“Old nomenclature elites and new changes and challenges of 1990s.”, 8th International Congress of Belarusian Studies, 27th-29th September 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania
„National Emancipation and Post-soviet Belarussization of 1990s“, 4th Annual "Belarusian Studies in the 21st Century" Conference, 29th March 2019, UCL SSEES, London.
“Historical Memory and Post-Soviet History in Belarus (1990-1995)”, 7th International Congress of Belarusian Studies, 15th – 17th September 2017, Warsaw, Poland.
“Transformation of Institutional Memory’s Interpretation (an Example of Nationality Policy of Belarussization (1924-1929))”, Czech-Belarusian Cultural, Social and Academic Relations from Francysk Skaryna till Nowadays, 19th October 2017, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus.
“Institutionalisation of Higher Education in the Czech Republic after the Velvet Revolution of 1989”, Traditions of University: from Francysk Skaryna till Nowadays, 26th – 27th October 2017, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus.
„Symbolical Centres of Collective Memory in the Czech and Belarusian Historiography: Formation and Interpretation“, Czech-Belarusian Cultural, Social and Academic Relations during the 19th and 20th Centuries, 29th September 2016, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus.
Supervisor of the Post-Master’s scholarship of the Visegrad Scholarship Program 2019 (project Denunciation as a Tool of Social Control during Czechoslovak Normalization (1968-1989), Maryna Laurynovich)
Supervisor of Bachelor (6), Master (23) and Doctoral theses (6)
Tutor of foreign students, Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University, Prague, 2004-2006.
Alena Marková, „Ci byla bielarusizacyja pačatku 90-ch hvaltoŭnaju?“ [Whether Was the Belarusization of the ’90s Violent?] video podcast se Siarhiejem Ablamiejkaj na kanálu Historyja na Svabodzie, 8.03.2023, RFEFL/Radio Free Europe:
Alena Marková, „Čechija nas udivila“ [Czechia that has Surpised us], podcast se Sciapanem Pucila (NEXTA), 16. 2. 2023:
Alena Marková, Women in Science/Ženy ve vědě, spot of the Charles University:
Alena Marková, „Historian: Belarus is in the grip of a new 'Normalisation'“, interview with Helena Zdráhalová, Forum, Charles University Magazine, Issue 57, 2/2022, pp. 20-23
Alena Marková, „Celebrating women in science on 11 February”, Pavla Hubálková, 11.02.2022, Forum, Charles University Magazine,
Alena Marková, „Doktar historyji Alena Marková: ćvierdžanni, što ŭ 90-ja hady miela miesca hvaltoŭnaja bielarusizacyja, nie adpaviadajuć sapraŭdnaści“ [Dr. Alena Markova: Assertions that Coercive Belarusization Occurred in the '90s Are not Consistent with Reality], interview with Siarhiej Ablamiejka, 26.01.2022, RFEFL/Radio Free Europe:
Alena Marková on Czech Radio (Český rozhlas Plus), „Dějiny Běloruska. Jak se rodil stát, který je dnes poslední evropskou diktaturou” [History of Belarus. How the State – Today’s Last Dictatorship in Europe - Was Born], interview with Libor Dvořák, 16.11.2021,
Alena Marková, a comment to History of Belarus on Czech Radio (Český rozhlas Plus, Odpolední Plus), from 16.23 min, 16.09.2021:
Alena Marková, „Běloruština je módní, většina lidí ale radši mluví rusky“ [Today, the Belarusian Language is in Vogue but the Majority of People Prefer Russian], in: Dražanová, A. – Šupová, T., Bělorusko na cestě ke svobodě, Praha: KNIHA ZLIN, 2021, s. 130-146.
Marková, Friedman, Mieĺnikaŭ: „Nieastalinskaja prapahanda. Što adbyvaecca ŭ Bielarusi z historyjaj Druhoj susvietnaj vajny“ [Neo-Stalinist Propaganda. What's Happening in Belarus with a History of WWII?], expertní názor, 22.06.2021, Belsat TV news:
Alena Marková on Belsat TV, “Studio Belsat”, expert opinion about the Belarusian language and the referendum of May 14, 1995 , 39.30 min, 14.05.2021:
Alena Marková: „Jak biez prymusu vijarnuć bielaruskuju movu. Razbirajemsia s dasliednicaj moŭnaje palityki“ [How to Revitalize and Promote the Belarusian Language. Interview with Language Policy Researcher Alena Marková], interview with Dmitry Hurnevič, 14.05.2021, RFEFL/Radio Free Europe:; video podcast:
Alena Marková: „Bielarusky jazyk i bielarusizacyja: 1924/1990/2021” [Belarussian Language and Belarusization], podcast with Alexander Friedman, 24. 4. 2021:
Alena Marková: „Biely rytier s dvojkrížom na štíte. Aká je minulosť Bieloruska?“ [The White Knight with a Cross on the Shield. What is the Past of Belarus?], interview with Jaroslav Valenta for podcast Dějiny [History] and interview for SME Historická revue, 4.10.2020:
Alena Marková: „Nejsme bratři Ruska, lišíme se v mnohém. Historička vysvětluje, kdo jsou Bělorusové“ [We are Not Russia’s Brothers – We are Totally Different. A Historian Explains Who the Belarusians are], interview with Petra Procházková, DenikN, 24.09.2020:
Alena Marková: “Běloruská policie zatýká i ženy na okraji davu, aby je ostatní nestihli bránit” [The Belarusian Police Detains Women on the Edge of the Group of Protesters as Well, so that the Others cannot Come to their Rescue], podcast Společná řeč by Institute H21, interview with Vojtěch Šrámek, 15.09.2020:
Alena Marková on Radio Wave, Český rozhlas: „V Bělorusku protestuje celá společnost, k destrukci státního systému je ale ještě daleko“ [The Entire Belarusian Society is Protesting, the State Political System is Still Stable], interview with Siarhiej Kastrama and Alena Marková by Jarda Petřík, 27.08.2020:
Alena Marková: “Doktar historyji Alena Markava pra lios bielaruskaj movy: punktu nieviartannia niama” [Dr Alena Marková about the future of Belarusian language: the point of no return hasn’t been passed], interview with Siarhiej Ablamiejka, 25.01.2020, RFEFL/Radio Free Europe:
Alena Marková: “Białoruska historyk: Słowa Putina powinny budzić niepokój” [Belarusian historian: Putin's Propaganda Set Alarm Bells Ringing], interview with Tomasz Walczak, 31.12.2019, Super Express:
„Marková, Stužynskaja, Sieviaryniec: U kaho rykašetam trapila stalinskaja kulia. Stvarajem spis bielaruskich žančyn HULAHu“ [Marková, Stužynskaja, Sieviaryniec: Silent Victims of GULAG: How Stalin's bullets devastated victims' wives], 30.10.2019, RFEFL/Radio Free Europe:
Alena Marková on Belsat TV, „Intermarium: Bielaruskaja mova: historyja zdrady“ [Intermarium: Belarusian Language: A Story of Betrayal], public debates, expert opinion, 22.09.2019:
Alena Marková: “Znojdzieny listy pracoŭnych pra “hvaltoŭnuju” bielarusizacyju 1990-ch” [“Statements about “Violent” Belarusization of 1990s are ungrounded”], 24.09.2019, Belsat TV news:
Alena Marková: „Historyk: boĺš za 90% pracoŭnych vystupali za bielarusizacyju“ [Historian: the vast Majority of Population Supported Belarusiazation of 1990s], 24.09.2019, Belarusian information portal
Alena Marková: „U archive pabačyla tony listoŭ za bielaruskuju movu“ [National Archive’s Hidden Treasures: Thousands of Letters for Supporting of the Belarusian Language of 1990s], interview with Hanna Soŭś, 3.06.2019, RFEFL/Radio Free Europe:
Alena Marková: „Jak historyk Aliena Markava peraasensoŭvaje bielarusizacyju 90-ch“ [Rethinking Belarusization of 1990s], interview with Hanna Soŭś, 18.05.2018, RFEFL/Radio Free Europe:
Alena Marková in Český rozhlas Plus: „Mezi námi“ [Between us], interview with Alena Kovářová, 16.12.2017, from 7.37:
„Marková, Paryžaskaja i Stužynskaja pra žančyn u padručnikach historyji: mastački i piśmiennicy zahinuli na kuchni“ [Marková, Paryžackaja and Stužynskaja: Women in History Textbooks], 13.12.2017, RFEFL/Radio Free Europe:
Alena Marková: „Historička Alena Marková: Běloruská věda jiné názory nepřipouští“ [Alena Marková: Belarusian Academia doesn’t Tolerate an Alternative Opinion], interview with Helena Zdráhalová, 23.11.2017, I-Forum, online magazín Univerzity Karlovy:
„Marková, Lukašuk, Drakachrust: Stahoddzie rasiejskaj revaljucyji i Bielaruś“ [Marková, Lukašuk, Drakachrust: Anniversary of the Russian Revolution and Belarus], public debates, 4.11.2017, RFEFL/Radio Free Europe:
„Marková, Kuĺ-Siaĺvierstava and Berger: Ci bylo apraŭdana zabojstva Kube i Hajdrycha?“ [Marková, Kuĺ-Siaĺvierstava and Berger: Assassination of Kube and Heydrich: No Matter the Cost?], 10.05.2017, RFEFL/Radio Free Europe:
Alena Marková: „Niezvyčajnaja niazlomnaść bielarusizacyji daje nadzieju, što nia ŭsie stračana“ [There is Always Hope for National Language], interview with Siarhiej Šupa, 7.2.2017, RFEFL/Radio Free Europe:
English, Czech, Russian, Belorussian – fluently
Polish, Ukrainian, Slovak – very good
Charles University
Faculty of Humanities
Study Programme Historical Sociology
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182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň
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