• Aktuality


5. října 2016

Materials relating to the course:

Dennis Smith: Bibliography for five lectures on historical sociology

1. Reflections on a Referendum

2. Social Fluidity and Social Displacement

3. What Is Historical Sociology?

4. Parsons, Smelser, Eisendstadt, Lipset

5. Bloch, Elias, Moore, Skocpol, Tilly

6. Anderson, Wallerstein, Runciman, Braudel, Giddens

7. Historical Sociology in the 1990s´

8. Bibliography

9. Modernity´s Hidden Agenda

10. The Chicago School of Sociology

11. Tocquille and Mill

12. Carnegie and Chamberlain

13. Ostrogorski and Bryce

14. Veblen and Hobson

15. Who rules?

16. Laski and Lasswell

17. Schumpeter and Hayek

18. Bibliography

19. Who benefits?

20. Three phases of capitalist democracy

21. The dynamics of domination displacement in global politics

22. Globalization, Degradation and the Dynamics of Humiliation

23. Dimensions of World Making: Thoughts from the Caspian Sea

24. Key themes

25. Codes of modernity

26. Modes of humiliation

27. Frames of globalization

28. Imperal impuls

29. Logic of the market

30. The cosmopolitan condition

31. Escape

32. Rejection

33.Decent democracy or domineering state?

34. Bibliography

35. State-Society Relations

36. Micro and macro social impacts on eurozone countries

37. Dennis Smith in Ljubljana

38. Brexit and Grexit

39. Inside Stories: Oscar Wilde, Jean Améry, Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi

40. Prisoners´ dilemmas and humiliation theory

41. Social Theory, Modernity, and the Three Waves of Historical Sociology

42. History and Sociology: What is Historical Sociology?

43. Acceptance

44. The return of historical sociology

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Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Studijní program Historická sociologie

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

(kancelář 2.06)

garant studijního programu



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