• Aktuality


6. dubna 2017

Univ.-Prof. em. Dr. Dirk Kaesler, Philipps-Universität in Marburg.: Universal Rationalization: Max Webe‘s Great Narrative

Among the “classical” diagnoses of modernity the German scholar Max Weber (1864-1920) has been assigned the role of the creator of a “theory of rationalization”. If there was a single word, for which Max Weber even 150 years since his birth is now remembered, it probably would be that of “rationalization”. By this we refer to Weber's alleged “theory” of a universal “rationalization” as a whole that shall dominate the whole world. I count this “theory” not so much to the stock of sociological theories in the strict epistemological sense, but rather to the reservoir of “Great Narratives” the discipline sociology during its history has bequeathed to the self-understanding of humanity.

Dirk Kaesler was Professor of Sociology at the University of Hamburg (1984-1995) and of Marburg (1995-2009). He has held visiting professorships at the University of Chicago, the University of Köln, the University of South Florida St. Petersburg, the Indiana University Bloomington, the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, the Humboldt-University Berlin, the University of München, the University of California-Berkeley, the University of Graz. He served as President of the “Research Committee on the History of Sociology” of the “International Sociological Association” (1989-2002) and as member of the Executive Council of the “German Sociological Society”(2002-2005). His main research interests cover theories of sociology, history of sociology and Max Weber-research. In all these fields he has published many books and numerous articles. [http://www.kaesler-soziologie.de]

Od 17:00 v místnosti č. 1036 (univerzitní areál Jinonice).

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Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Studijní program Historická sociologie

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