• Aktuality


11. května 2017

Dr. Massimilliano Ruzzeddu, University Niccolò Cusano in Rome: The evolution of the Nation-State: History, functions and future scenarios

Nation-States have been the main institutional actors in Modern History. However, the faster and faster globalization processes have progressively weakened the States’ functions both within their own borders and in the international arena. In this lecture, wil be discussed the epistemic issues related to the description of this phenomenon, as well as the possible future scenarios.

Massimiliano Ruzzeddu is tenured researcher in Sociology at the University Niccolò Cusano in Rome. He is Scientific Director of World Complexity Science Academy. He published essays in epistemology of social sciences, social theory and social innovation.

Od 17:00 v místnosti č. 1036 (univerzitní areál Jinonice)

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Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Studijní program Historická sociologie

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

(kancelář 2.06)

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