• Aktuality


4. března 2019

Přednáška prof. Manochehra Dorraje “Global Power Transition: What Does the Future Hold”

Pracoviště Historické sociologie FHS UK ve spolupráci s Katedrou studií občanské společnosti FHS UK Vás srdečně zvou na přednášku Global Power Transition: What Does the Future Hold, kterou přednese prof. Manochehr Dorraj z Texas Christian University, USA.

Přednáška se uskuteční v rámci pravidelného kurzu Historicko-sociologické konfrontace HISO FHS UK v úterý 12. března 2018 v 17.00 v místnosti 2080 (Blok A, areál UK v Jinonicích).

Anotace a informace o přednášejícím:

In this lecture, professor Dorraj would discuss the rise of China, increasing assertiveness of Russia, the expanding strategic alliance between these two powers, the division within EU and the rise of right-wing populism among some of its member nations, and the impact of Trump administration's foreign policy on the global power transition and its ramifications and the future prospects.

prof. Manochehr Dorraj is the author, coauthor, editor or coeditor of 7 books and more than 90 refereed articles and book chapters. In addition, he has produced more than 100 non-refereed publications such as review articles, book reviews, blogs and Op-eds. He has been invited to present his scholarship in such International Organizations as the World Bank, and Think Tanks such as the Hudson Institute. He has also been an invited speaker at national and international symposiums and Conferences, including those in John Hopkins, Yale, Harvard, Queens and Toronto University (Canada), University of London and Nottingham University (Great Britain) and Beijing and Fudan University in China. During 2012-2013 he was a visiting fellow at Georgetown’s Center for International and Regional Studies in Doha, Qatar and during 2017-2018 he was visiting research fellow at Fudan University Development Institute in Shanghai, China.

Manochehr Dorraj is a frequent commentator on global affairs in general and Middle East politics in particular.

His service at TCU includes serving as the Co-Chair of the Global Innovators Initiative and a member of the Executive Committee of Discovering Global Citizenship program.

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Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Studijní program Historická sociologie

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

(kancelář 2.06)

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