• Aktuality


21. dubna 2019

“Nation-Building Processes after 1918 in Belarus: Three Waves of National Emancipation”

Dr Alena Marková was invited as a Keynote Speaker at the debate and exhibition „The Emergence of New States in Eastern Europe after the First World War: Lessons for all of Europe“ supported by Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union and hosted by Czesław Miłosz Center of Vytautas Magnus University.

The Keynote Lecture “Nation-Building Processes after 1918 in Belarus: Three Waves of National Emancipation” will be delivered by Dr Alena Marková at 15.15 on 25 April 2019 in the premises of Historical Presidential Palace of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilniaus g. 33, Kaunas.

The topic of the debates is the emergence of the new states in Eastern Europe after the First World War, it shows the formation and process of development of independent states of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. As well the unsuccessful attempts to create independent Belarusian, Ukrainian, Crimean Tatar and other states, that were disrupted by Bolsheviks. All the processes of 1918-1921 period has had a huge impact on the future of Europe and its awareness is crucial to building a shared future.


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Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Studijní program Historická sociologie

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

(kancelář 2.06)

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