• Aktuality


4. června 2019

Univerzita Karlova každoročně pořádá soutěž vysoce kvalitních monografií na UK, jejímž cílem je primárně podpora autorů vysoce kvalitních monografií a jejich mateřských fakult či dalších univerzitních součástí (více na stránkách Univerzity). V letošním roce byly komisí oceněny publikace dvou členů pracoviště Historické sociologie.

Publikace doc. Šubrta "The Perspective of Historical Sociology: The Individual as Homo-Sociologicus through Society and History", která vyšla v nakladatelství Emerald Publishing Limited byla dokonce oceněna jako nejlepší publikace za Fakultu humanitních studií.

Kompletní výsledky soutěže monografií v r. 2019 lze nalézt na https://cuni.cz/UK-9801.html

Šubrt, Jiří. The perspective of historical sociology: The individual as Homo-Sociologicus through society and history. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017.


This book provides a comprehensive overview of the themes that make up the field of Historical Sociology. At its centre is the human individual as related to social and historical development. The key question it raises is who or what is responsible for the process of human history: society or the individual?

Černý, Karel. Instability in the Middle East: Structural Changes and Uneven Modernisation 1950–2015. Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press, 2017.

Middle Eastern instability is manifest externally in many ways: by crises afflicting governing regimes, the rise of political Islam, terrorism, revolution, civil war, increased migration, and the collapse of many states. This book examines the roots of this instability using a theoretically original and empirically supported historical-sociological comparative analysis. Countering common interpretations of postcolonial Middle Eastern development, Instability in the Middle East focuses on the highly uneven and unsynchronized pace of change in individual sociodemographic, economic, and political dimensions of modernization. Drawing on the theory of multiple modernities, Černý investigates the broader cultural, religious, and international political context of uneven modernization in the Middle East and tests his model using a time series of dozens of indicators over the past fifty years, revealing a long-term trend of cumulative change across the region.

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Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Studijní program Historická sociologie

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

(kancelář 2.06)

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