• Aktuality


6. června 2019

Nová kniha Jiřího Šubrta o dilematu holismu a individualismu v sociologii

Vydavatelství Emerald vydalo novou anglicky psanou knihu Jiřího Šubrta „Individualism, Holism and the Central Dilemma of Sociological Theory.“ Doc. Jiří Šubrt působí na Pracovišti historické sociologie při FHS UK.

Nová kniha Jiřího Šubrta: Individualism, Holism and the Central Dilemma of Sociological Theory


Anotace (AJ): „This book argues that these two perspectives, individualist and holistic, form the central dilemma of sociological thought. It provides an extensive review and critique of contemporary sociological approaches to this antinomy and examines attempts that have been made to overcome it and unite them. Moreover, the book proposes a new approach to solving this dilemma via the concept of 'critical reconfigurationism', arguing that the resolution of this dilemma is vital not just for sociological theory but also for empirical social research.“

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Váš názor

Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Studijní program Historická sociologie

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

(kancelář 2.06)

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